Friday 2 December 2011


In Australia, Summer starts on the 1st of December and runs through till the end of February. It is when we can finally shed our layers to expose our pasty skin to the warmth of the sun. Just remember to do it safely and legally, as no one wants skin cancer, wrinkly skin or to see someone else's naughty bits out on the street. Seasonal fruits and veggies are available aplenty, filled with anti-oxidants and vitamins to help restore that healthy glow. Eat fresh, and you'll be able to step out feeling great.

Apple(Abas)              Apricot                      Berries                       Cherry

Chilli                          Currants                    Lychee                      Mango              

Mangosteen              Melons                      Nectarine                    Passionfruit           

Peach                        Pineapple                 Plum                           Prickly pear             

Rambutan                  Starfruit                     Tamarillo

Asparagus                 Avocados                  Beans                         Celery       

Choko                       Capsicum                  Cucumber                   Lettuce                

Okra                          Onions                       Peas                          Radish        

Squash                      Spring Onion              Sweetcorn                   Tomato   

Zucchini                     Zucchini flowers


  1. Bring on the summer fruits! Looking forward to the nice sunny weather too.

  2. You are not wrong! So happy that finally we can afford bananas too.
