Wednesday 18 May 2011

Dairy free baby!

This week we discovered that our 11 month old baby girl Lolo, is allergic to dairy. I know that this is not a huge life altering illness, but still I was sad. Especially after I found myself checking the back of every single food label, and pre-warning all my family and friends so that she would not be offered any biscuits or cheeky bits of chocolate. It was during this frantic time that I realised that she would be that kid at the birthday parties that couldn't eat the cake or share the ice cream.
I myself have a mild lactose intolerance, nothing serious though. The truth is that it is generally those around me who suffer after I have had a slice of pizza or four. So soy milk is my drink of choice, however because my husband is a chef and with me being an avid foodie who has travelled extensively and knows the value of a good cheese, our fridge always has a nice amount of dairy. In fact yesterday's afternoon snack consisted of light rye toast with french style creme fraiche and some quince paste I had just made(recipe coming soon).
I was looking forward to introducing Lolo to the wonders of cheese and butter and cream, now it looks like I will be introducing her to tofutti and whatever else is out there. However I refuse to let her miss out on the deliciousness! My mission is to find and develop some beautiful recipes that will still be full of flavour and hopefully please everyone-but especially Lolo. Her birthday is next month and dammit my baby will get a big frosted chocolate cake(even if it is soy!).

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